Indonesian Supplies Website


  1. Digital Products are products in the form of files in the form of videos, images or documents published by vendors on the Indonesian supplies website for information purposes for buyer membership.
  2. Any publication and download of Digital Products by Vendors and Purchasers is subject to all terms and conditions of membership of Indonesia Supplies.
  3. All prices given by Vendors to Buyers for paid digital products do not include value added tax (VAT) of 10% (Ten Percent).
  4. Tax payment will be adjusted according to the terms and conditions of the Vendor.
  5. Purchase of Products is subject to availability of goods, resources, including, without limitation, platform availability.
  6. Vendors and Buyers are prohibited from using the Indonesian Supplies platform for transactions that violate the law or acts that are included in the element of unlawful acts.
  7. The vendor warrants that the person concerned is the rightful owner of the Product and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the applicable Indonesian Supplies membership.
  8. The payment process can be done by bank transfer or paypal by the Buyer to the Vendor in accordance with the terms and conditions that apply in Indonesian Supplies.
  9. Indonesian Supplies do not allow transactions or product listings (listings) of Products that infringe the intellectual property rights of a brand or patent or the owner of other intellectual property rights. Unless expressly stated otherwise.
  10. Buyers are prohibited from using and/or distributing Digital Products without the approval of the Vendor and Indonesian Supplies.
  11. Buyers are prohibited from using Digital Products against the law.
  12. Indonesian Supplies cannot be held liable if the Vendor or Buyer commits an unlawful act.
  13. Indonesian Supplies makes no representations of any warranty as to the validity, suitability of the contents of the published Products.
  14. Indonesian Supplies has the right to take all necessary steps if the Vendor and/or Buyer violates these terms and conditions, including to exercise the rights stipulated in the laws and regulations in force in Indonesia.
  15. The terms and conditions determined by the Vendor must not conflict with these terms and conditions.
  16. All of these terms and conditions are subject to and bound by all other terms and conditions set out on the Indonesian Supplies website.
  17. Indonesian Supplies reserves the right to modify or make changes to these terms and conditions without the consent of the Vendor.
  18. The right to change and update published content.