Unlocking Business Opportunities with decision-makers

source : pixy.org

Global Digital Presence

The Digitalisation of your company activities, including the sales of products and services online, will give you the opportunity to be more visible to qualified buyers around the globe.

Engaging with Customers

Defining an effective Digital Strategy with SEO, to raise your products visibilities with potential Buyers.

Promoting your company expertise by sharing Publications and events online.

Giving the opportunity for Visitors and Qualified Buyers to send RFQ directly from our Online platform and share their experience.

source : pixabay.com by wynpnt

source : unsplash.com by Tobias

Online Virtual Visit

Giving the opportunity to Qualified Buyers and Investors to learn more about your company footprint, manufacturing plants capability and production lines by proposing Online 3D virtual visits of your facilities.

Industry 4.0 Platform

Giving the opportunity to Qualified Buyers and Investors to visualise the product lines capacity and availability.

A fully integrated online booking solution based on equipment availability, products specifications or production lines capacity.

source : unsplash.com by Lenny Kuhne

source : pixabay.com

Increase your reputation and sales

Our Qualification process will help your company to get credibility with Qualified Buyers and Investors around the globe

By complying with our Qualification process, including Key performance indicators your company will be more competitive.

Showcase Innovative Solutions

Sharing information about innovative solutions or new designed products, will lead to more RFx and sales.
Providing Solutions to the market needs will allow to bring new leads to your customers database.
Providing Solutions to the vendors Markets allowing to reduce their carbon footprint.

source : unsplash.com by Rohan Makhecha

source : unsplash.com

source : unsplash.com

Priority Support for our Members

Chat Online with your Clients and get instant feedback.

Contact our Content Managers Team and optimize your Store Content and company revenues.

Get in Touch with Investors

Our Online Platform for investors will allow you to showcase your company projects and to get financing offers from local and foreign investors.

source : unsplash.com by Hunters Race

source : FreeStocks.org

Take Control of Your e-Business

Our Store Management Application is available for Android phones and it’s totally FREE to use.

Our Store Management Application dashboard includes functionalities such as Management of Products sold, Orders received, online Bookings, Enquiries, Logistic activities and Sales Reports.

Built-in QR-Code Technology

Share Digital Content by email, by messaging applications, or by QR Code.

Using Digital Content to promote your Products and Services to qualified prospects and protect the environment. 

Secure your payments with clients by using online payment solutions.

source : unsplash.com by Markus Winkler

source : unsplash.com

Track your order delivery status

Manage your logistic team activities online.

Review the Logistic Team performance.

Track your orders delivery status.

Asset Management Solutions

Managing your assets online will allow you to optimise your maintenance costs and your asset TCO.

By renting online vehicles, equipment or tools, your company will be able to generate additional revenues.

Our online Asset Management solution will certainly help you to take control of your Operational Expenses (OPEX)

source : unsplash.com by CHUTTERSNAP

source : bigstockphoto.com by everythingpossible

Optimise your Performance

Indonesian Supplies can help you to improve your internal processes such as Marketing, Sales, Purchasing, Logistic, Financial, and IT by providing qualified consultants.

Our Online Staffing Service will help you to find additional ressources, when required to meet your customers demand.

Bespoke Terms & Conditions available to sustain your transactions and sales online.

Customers Management

Indonesian Supplies is providing a CRM solution to manage Marketing and Sales activities.

Keeping track of your Customers and new Prospects activities, will make your communications more effective.

source : unsplash.com by CHUTTERSNAP

Suppliers Membership is a type of membership as a B2B suppliers or distributors that will meet with buyers from various countries. Our Focus is to help you to increase your visibility and volume sales.