Digital Resources
Surfing the global shipping shortages and the ongoing global rates inflation
Since 2020, we are witnessing a significant surge in the cost of transportation of industrial goods and shipping services rates for consumers goods, in many
Crude Oil price evolution and its consequences for the global Economy
The crude Oil price fluctuation have been very significant since 2013, moving from a situation with a Crude oil price around USD 105 per barrel
Tankers Rates are Reaching Record Levels due to OPEC production
Global tankers fleet have seen a substantial increase in demand for all type of floating storage, pushing the charter rates to record levels as a
Wind Market Evolution & Global Warming
The wind energy Market has grown fast during the last 20 years, starting with a project in Crotched Mountain (USA) of 20 turbined at 30
The Offshore Seismic market revival
The Crude Oil Price evolution in 2018, have created a new economical situation, which is described in our Publication named “The Crude Oil price evolution
Subsea market evolution and new strategies
During our visit at the UK subsea exposition in Aberdeen, we had the opportunity to discuss about the current market situation and reviewed the latest
Crude Oil price evolution and its consequences on the upstream market
The Crude Oil price has reached $147,3 in July 2008, just before having a historical price drop to $32, which has really affected the overall
UK Energy Act
The Energy Act 2013 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, relating to the energy sector. It succeeded the Energy Act 2010.
Seismic in New Energy Mix
Role of the Seismic in the management of the Oil production cost in the new energy mix situation and ongoing transition